2023 Resolutions

This page will be updated when I finish some of Resolutions in 2023

Recap 2022 Resolutions

So I only have one Resolution in 2022, Which is

  • Support WCC more

and it’s Completed YAY!

2023 Resolutions

So it’s time to Setup New Resolutions

  • Meet @AYASHI_V
  • Buy Nintendo Switch
  • Code more
  • Finish my Workplace Website
  • Stream more
  • Upgrade my Workspace
  • Unlock Twitch Affiliate
  • Live 2D/3D Model
  • thisisnotblusewill Wolf Live 2D Model

if Arata and Ngreimond coming to Taiwan

  • Meet Arataclocksworth
  • Meet Ngreimond

And basically that’s all of the resolutions Although I have a very low hope it can complete most of them, but wishes is wishes, it will never be possible to finish all of them, but sometimes you can’t tell it’s might be possible.

Updated in 2023/12/25
